Over the past 9 months, ATC has been going through a process of self-reflection and rediscovery. We have been asking ourselves what most differentiates us from other programs and how we can increase our impact considering the gravity of what is happening in our community. One step towards reaching more young people who need support is to consider additional entry points into ATC’s services beyond nighttime street outreach.
After several months of discussion, ATC has accepted the offer to pilot a new, two-year project in partnership with The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH), Larkin Street, and several other nonprofit agencies. As part of this agreement, ATC will provide support and case management to 20 youth and young adults who are part of the Rising Up program. ATC will offer these clients the same in-depth counseling and advocacy support we have provided youth and young adults on the streets for over 22 years.
The Rising Up program is a public-private partnership that was launched in 2018 and is a part of the city’s efforts to cut youth homelessness in half by 2022. [1]
The program consists of three approaches: problem solving, rapid rehousing, and education and employment services. Through problem solving, providers will attempt to find short-term solutions to prevent young people from being on the streets. Rapid rehousing services will include helping a young person find a home in the private market, offering move-in assistance, and up to three years of rental subsidies. Case management (which ATC will be providing to 20 youth) will include support for participants around employment, health, and education.
ATC’s participation in Rising Up will expand our reach and ensure that the participants from the Rising Up program we work with will have in-depth, unconditional support. This will also allow us to have a seat at the table, to be able to provide direct feedback about the operation of the program and to use our voice to create larger-scale change rooted in compassion and our client-centered approach.