HundredX Collaboration

Donate to ATC this month without spending a dollar! Introducing ATC's collaboration with HundredX!

    • Announcements

A New Way to Support ATC

Donate to ATC this month without spending a dollar! Introducing ATC’s collaboration with HundredX!

December 1, 2023

Start Donating in 3 Steps:

  1. Sign up for HundredXSign Up Through This Link OR text “DFG to 90412” – Make sure you choose At The Crossroads as the organization you are supporting!
  2. Take Surveys: Share your opinions with emoji-based micro-surveys that take about a minute to complete.
  3. 30 Days to Make an Impact: Throughout this month, surveys you complete contribute $2 to ATC – just 2 surveys a day will equal a $120 contribution! (Max 75)

Let’s embrace the spirit of innovation and support ATC in a way that’s accessible to all. Your voice has power, and through HundredX, it can help us continue our mission to provide radical support to those who need it most.

Reach out to getinvolved@atthecrossroads for any additional questions or comments!